Tips For Planning A Coffee Bar Party This Holiday Season

With the holidays approaching, seasonal parties will soon be in full swing. If you've been thinking about hosting a holiday gathering this year, you can make your party the talk of the neighborhood when you offer a coffee bar presented with a seasonal theme. Don't let the idea overwhelm you if you're not particularly creative. It's far easier than you think to make a coffee bar that will bring the festivities to life.

Ways To Wow Guests With A Simple Bottle Of Wine

Planning a party or get-together? Serve wine! Some ways to wow your guests when serving wine are: Aerate. Show off your skills with wine by properly aerating a bottle when you open it in front of guests. Aerating wine helps provide oxygen and brings wine to its peak flavor, but don't aerate too long or you will miss the finest moments of your bottle. For instance, older red wines may not require any aeration after opening, but reds under eight years of age should be opened and aerated for an hour or two.

Three Tips For Sticking To Your Keto Diet When Dining At A Mexican Restaurant

Dieting is not always the easiest task to take on, but it is super satisfying to watch the pounds melt away while you stick to your new eating regime. As someone who is new to a keto diet, you know how important it is to restrict the number of carbs that you eat each day. When you get invited out to join friends or family at a Mexican restaurant, however, you may be very concerned that all your hard work will be undone with one delicious meal.

3 Reasons To Bake Potato Buns

Most people think that bread plays a critical role in every meal. Whether it's toast in the morning, sandwich bread for lunch, or a roll at the dinner table, having bread available can help you easily enhance any meal. When you make the choice to bake your own bread items, it can be beneficial to put potato buns on your menu. Here are three reasons why choosing potato buns can help you have a more favorable baking experience.

6 Questions to Ponder When Buying a Commercial Work Table for Your Restaurant Kitchen

If you run a busy restaurant, you need quality equipment for food preparation. A commercial work table or food prep table is essential for any restaurant kitchen. If you've never used a kitchen work table before you may be curious about the various types and options available. For instance, some are made of stainless steel or aluminum, some contain a sink, and others have shelves for storing food prep essentials. Here are 6 questions to consider before you make your final decision when purchasing a commercial kitchen work table: